Web Toolbar by Wibiya Red Sox Birthday Cake ~ Dozen Flours
Dozen Flours

Sincere Acts of Sweetness

April 26, 2009

Red Sox Birthday Cake

Apparently Paul is the consummate Red Sox fan. His sister Nora told me as little kids, the highlight of their summer would be to go to Fenway Park to watch a game with their dad. Since then, Paul just loves the game and the team and thought a Red Sox cake would be perfect for his big 50th birthday celebration. Originally she had asked me if I could do a red Red Sox jersey with a "50" on it; but after some discussion, she gave me free reign to do whatever I wanted as long as it conveyed a Red Sox theme. :)
Here are a few things that I learned while making this cake:

1. Delivering the cake to the customer is my favorite part. Nora's family had their entire house decorated in a baseball theme. Everyone was wearing the most delightful homemade costumes; even the dog had on a Boston Red Sox shirt! But the best part for me was watching the reaction on everyone's face as I came through the door. I actually got a bit teary eyed! It just felt really special to be a part of such a big celebration, to know my little cake will live on in pictures and memories long after it's been consumed. 2. White chocolate candy-melts can be melted and used as a paint-like medium. On the pennants and jersey, after struggling to cut out the little letters of fondant to no avail, I decided it would be easier to just paint the lettering directly onto the surface. I had anticipated this and had bought triple-zero sized paint brushes just in case. I had to add a little shortening to the chocolate, but the candy-melts worked out okay. I wished they would have set up a bit more smooth, but considering the alternative, it worked great. Next time I think I'll try white food coloring gel instead.3. Making royal blue fondant takes a lot of work. It took me about an hour to get a pound of fondant to go from white to dark blue. I eventually used black fondant to make a dark gray and then added the royal blue food coloring gel to that to get a very dark blue color. Does anyone know of a better way?
4. I truly enjoy doing detail work. I spent hours working on the various symbols, banners, and logos for this cake. I would sit at my kitchen table late at night, listening to Radio Paradise (best radio station EVER), with a palette of fondant, an Exact-o knife and cutting mat, a few print-outs of the images I want to make, and just go to town. I get lost in the details of most things in life so this really isn't a surprise. But when it comes to cakes like this, it's the details that really make it special and unique.
5. Always plan for two hours more time than I think I'll need.
Even though I got up early and worked late on the cake the night before, I was still rushing to finish on time. So much so that one of the pennants I made ended up just sitting at the top, leaning against the flag poles. I had planned to add more details to the cake but just ran out of time. Everything always takes more time than I think it will.
6. I still have so much to learn! Covering a cake in fondant is not my forte. I need to take a class desperately. I know what you're thinking: the cake looks fine. But believe me when I say that I need lessons. It's so incredibly frustrating because I've read and watched (on the net and TV) people covering cakes with fondant and I think I'm doing everything they are. I'm not defeated though; I'll get there, eventually.

All in all, aside from the mistakes (I can't help but see them all), it was another successful delivery. And it was a vast improvement from my very first fondant covered cake, which just happened to be Red Sox themed too. :)


  1. GORgeOUS!!! You are SO rockin' it girl!! I totally hear you on the time- I am such a horrible under estimator, that I have to always add on more time. Aside from the Fondarific I told you about the other day, I thought that Satin Ice brand has it pre-tinted as well. Not positive though. I would start your cake at $125- $150. I know, sounds like a lot. But Duff starts at $500!! All your hours, art expertise, etc... Look at the craptastic cakes the grocery stores sell for such an outrageous price. Ours are homemade creations of love. Yours totally and absolutely rocks the sox!

  2. Beyond beautiful and so special!

  3. You are so talented!! Every football season I wish I could make a Steelers cake for my hubby, he's the ultimate Steelers fan!

  4. One of your greatest, Julia. And a great story to go along with it.

  5. Your cake looks fabulous!! All of your detail work totally makes the cake stellar. And I loved reading everything you've learned from your cake making. I can totally see how delivering the cake would be the best part of the experience!

  6. the cake looks good...thats all i can say because i am a Yankees fan ;) I hope you dont block my access to your site because of that ;) seriously, that is one amazing cake! loved the detailed artwork...actually its just that...work of art...simply superb :)

  7. i'm so impressed! even as someone who abhors the red sox (okay, maybe abhors is too strong a word), i can truly say that this is a masterpiece. :)

  8. if you ever want to move to Boston I think you would have no problem finding a way to sell more of these!

  9. Well done! All the details are awesome.
    Coloring fondant is always a pain, I've started to buy it colored already or as close to the color I want as possible and tweek it to save some time.

  10. My die-hard Red Sox fan brother was the recipient of the cake and it was incredible. Beyond expectations. The colors were right on. The "B" in the fancy font. All the little items that were accurate portrayals of Red Sox and baseball were on the mark. It was the talk of the party. And then when we cut into it, the chocolate frosted yellow cake was sooo delicious! Thanks so much Julia!

  11. You have just made yourself Head Pastry Chef of Red Sox Nation. The only way you could endear yourself more to us is if you shot video of you singing "Sweet Caroline" while you decorated the cake. Congratulations. :)

  12. Once again you out did yourself Julia! Reallyyyyyy! I don't want to hurt your feelings but the only thing wrong with it that I could see was it was NOT a Yankee cake. LOL!!! :O Julia, any team but the dreaded Red Socks! :) I'm actually in deep depression over Boston sweeping us this past weekend.

    I'm not surprised at the looks of awe that you received coming through the door. It really is an amazing cake!

  13. You never fail to amaze me! Seriously, you are the most talented baker/decorator. I could learn a thing or two from all of your wonders!

  14. Looks fantastic! Great job :). I really want to start practicing my fondant skills.

  15. Julia...your detail work is amazing!!! Very cool painting on the candy melts! I'm sure it was the talk of the party! :)

  16. I'm so impressed with your fondant skills. I see it everywhere too but I'm not brave enough to give it a go yet. You did a really great job.

  17. Oh my gosh, you did an amazing job! And as a New Englander, I can honestly say that any Sox fan would be thrilled to pieces to get this cake!

  18. From a Boston girl: great job and go sox!

  19. What an incredible job, Julia. It looks breathtakingly beautiful.

  20. Very, very cute!!!! My son just announced that he would like a Red Sox bday cake this year for his bday. I love yours, but I'm scared to death of fondant. I'll be doing something with regular frosting! Your details are amazing... you should be very proud!

  21. AnonymousMay 02, 2009

    Nice job on this! It looks wonderful!

  22. Beautiful! I have taken a fondant class and STILL have difficulties covering a cake...especially a round one. Great work!

  23. I was looking through your blog for a white cake recipe and saw you post on two cakes you used fondant on, that you said you had a hard time with. This one and one for your sons baseball team I believe. First off let me say, your stuff is really nice. Always looks so yummy. What I did noticed on the one for your sons team was that in the picture of the cut cake, the fondant was pretty thin. While I assumed this was the best way to go as well, thicker is actually better. I just took the wilton class and one of my cakes tore, the other didn't and the thicker one did not. I will try to post a pic on my blog which will show just how thick (yuck) it is.


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