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Dozen Flours

Sincere Acts of Sweetness

May 23, 2009

Big Bug Cupcakes

Remember when I made the Pinkalicious cupcakes? Well, these cute little bug cupcakes were part of that order too (just in case the little boys that were invited didn't want a pink cupcake!). I almost forgot to share them with you! Since I only needed to make a dozen, I went on a mission to make twelve unique designs.

I think I might have been channeling the Yip Yips when I made this little guy. Remember those funny aliens from Sesame Street? (If you're ever in need of a belly-laugh, watch a few of the Yip Yip videos -- guaranteed to make you feel better!)

Here are the rest of the little guys...


  1. LOL!! These are SO stinkin' cute! I can't believe you almost forgot!

  2. Oh gosh, they made me giggle like a little girl! I think its the little smiles on their faces that completes the look and makes them cute not icky!

  3. Those are really cute and I think I like 'em better! I've never been a pink and purple kinda girl. :)

    Happy holiday weekend!

  4. Awww, they're so cute! Awesome job!

  5. I had totally forgotten about the yip yips!!! Thanks for posting the link!

    You bugs are adorable! I think the dragonfly is my favorite, but it's hard to choose! :)

  6. I think I like the little slug the best--so cute!

    How did you get your frosting like that? It almost looks like a flower with jagged edges. I like it.

  7. Soooooooo cute!

    Happy holiday weekend!

    and you can visit me if i can isit you:)
    Welcome! foodcreate

  8. The Yip Yips!!! I would have never thought about them ever again..lol..thanks for bringing them back to my memory!!

  9. You are so talented!!! I wish I had the talent you have and the patience!The3se are beyond adorable!!

  10. AnonymousMay 24, 2009

    Oh that's so cute. Gimme one or two please.

  11. Julia, these are so absolutely precious! You're so talented. Not only do these look gorgeous, but I can only imagine how delicious they are! Great job!

  12. Those are truly the most adorable little bugs!!

  13. Very cute! How do you get your fondant the perfect black? DO you buy it or dye it yourself?

  14. I saw your blog on Evil Cake Ladies blog and thought I'd have a look see.
    These cupcakes are just wonderful! I love how you have done them all different and each one is so whimsical! I bet the girls even wanted a bug cupcake.
    I used to watch the yip yips with my daughter when she was little (long time ago now) and we both loved them!
    If you don't mind, I am going to be looking over your blog the next couple of days and read lots of your past posts. I love a good cupcake! Cheers

  15. most impressive, julia! one day i'll tackle fondant, but not anytime soon. until i work up the motivation, i'll just admire your fine work. :)

  16. funny title :)

    these are really cute bugs :) i especially loved the Y-shaped bug...looks great!

  17. These are the cutest!

  18. those are so freaking cute!! i can't get over how talented you are with fondant and decorations!! i can barely make buttercream icing look smooth!!

    also, YES, i think cherry maple would make a DELICIOUS custard. when i bit into the dessert, i thought the same thing!! especially once we have fresh cherries in season!!

  19. AnonymousMay 27, 2009

    Soooooo cute! I hate bugs, but you've made them too cute to resist :P

  20. Wow, these are just adorable! I'm sure they taste as good as they look :)

  21. Those are so adorable! Almost too cute to eat - almost.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane with that video link. When I was in college my friend Jen and I used to crack each other up saying, "Yip yip yip Uh huh!" Those guys are the best!

  22. Those are adorable! I love the one with the proboscis, nice job!

  23. Wow!
    It looks beautiful.
    My kids will love it.

  24. Oh theseee are so cute, I really wish I could make these little critters of yours.


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