Oh how delighted I am to share photos from Ava's 6th birthday party! Isn't it just delightful? Ava's theme was cheerleading and some cheerleaders from the local high school came to teach all the party guests some cheer fundamentals. Several of the girls dressed in the most adorable little cheerleading outfits. Pink is Ava's favorite color so everything was pink, pink and more pink! I made pink funfetti cake (pink cake with red, white and pink sprinkles), pink raspberry French macaroons and of course pink cake pops, each adorned in a various shades of pink sugar and sprinkles. I think Ava's mom did a supreme job decorating! It felt as though I was on a set of a magazine shoot.

For this party I finally faced my fears of making French macarons. They were stressful to make because I had convinced myself that they were difficult, but you know what? They honestly weren't that difficult. Some recipes are really intimidating and I found the one that was the easiest to follow to produce the best results. You just have to have lots of time, confidence in yourself and good ingredients. I could not have been more pleased at how great they looked. French macarons are Ava's favorite cookie and when I arrived to set up my treats and she saw them, she said the sweetest thing:
"They are more perfectly perfect than I
ever imagine they could be".
- Ava, the birthday girl
The little glass mason jars tied with bakers string were the perfect vessel for a holding cold, refreshing pink lemonade, especially after a cheer lesson.
A selected few of the French macarons received a dusting of edible pink glitter, just for a little something extra.
The cake was saved until the next day for the party at home.
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